Below you see a list of sporting courses taught at the Second Faculty of Medicine.
Category: Individual Sports / Fitness Sports
Aerobics is a fitness exercise with musical accompaniment, focusing on the development of the circulatory system to increase levels of endurance and performance. It has a favourable influence on the structure and function of the musculoskeletal system and positively affects the nervous system. It uses elements of spatial exercises, gymnastics and dance. It can take the form of a sequence of exercises or be tightly choreographed. In a broader sense, the word ‘aerobics’ can sometimes indicate other form of aerobic exercise, e.g. step aerobics, funky aerobics, dance aerobics, slide aerobics, tae-bo aerobics, aqua aerobics, kickboxing aerobics, spinning, etc. The course is taught in various forms from beginners to advanced level, and in various locations – see schedule.
Artificial Climbing Wall
Category: Individual Sports / Fitness Sports
This is a relatively young sport that is gaining more and more devotees. It provides a full workout for the whole musculoskeletal system. During classes, students will learn how to tie themselves to the rope, how to properly belay their climbing partner. They will also learn how to safely create their own routes and proper climbing techniques. Most of the climbing equipment can be borrowed by students during tuition, which takes place at the Pod Juliskou sports centre.
Athletics Training: Track and Field
Category: Individual Sports / Fitness Sports
Basic training methods for the vast majority of sports, putting high demands on all physical abilities. You gain skills such as the proper techniques for running, jumping or throwing. You also acquire essential information about the techniques used in various athletic disciplines and training methods. We teach at SCUK Hostivař and in the surrounding area.
Category: Individual and Team Sports and Games / Games
Badminton is the fastest racket sport. It is the fifth most popular sport in the world with more than 230 million players. It is played either in singles or doubles. From a fitness point of view, it is one of the toughest of all sports. The biggest advantages are: low initial cost, complete beginners are able to play immediately, and comprehensive physical development. We teach everyone starting from complete beginners at the Hostivař sports centre. Students do not need their own rackets or balls – we can lend everything necessary.
Category: Individual and Team Sports and Games / Games
This is a team contact ball game in which two teams of five players try to get as many points as possible by throwing a ball into the basketball hoop, and to prevent opponents from gaining points. The game makes demands on speed, dynamic strength, dexterity, spatial orientation and tactics. Any student can attend training for beginners because at this stage teaching consists of practicing individual game skills such as passing, dribbling, shooting etc. Training for more advanced players consists of entire game sessions.
Category: Individual Sports / Fitness Sports
The most common individual sport in the world, placing great demands on fitness, coordination and reaction time. One of the advantages of boxing is that you can make significant improvements in your fitness in only a small space. We teach boxing from beginners through to advanced levels. Classes take place at CKS Žižkov.
Dance classes
Category: Individual Sports / Fitness Sports
Ballroom dancing is an important element of social interaction. Part of the essential repertoire of every successful man is the art of moving with ease and dexterity, not just on the dance floor, but also in society. It isn’t complicated to master the art of dance, but it can’t be done overnight either.
Ballroom dancing is divided into two basic groups: standard and Latin American. Standard dances include the waltz, tango, slow foxtrot and quickstep the Viennese waltz is also included in this group. The Latin dances include the cha-cha, rumba, samba, pasodoble and jive. These dances are very different from each other. They have different histories, styles of music, and quite different ways of movement and other means of expression.
The course is taught once a week in the UK Hostivař Sports Centre with the help of experienced student-trainers who hold dancing licenses.
Category: Individual Sports
In the Czech Republic this is historically one of the most widespread of all forms of paddling or rowing sports. The Czech Republic is one of those rare countries where, thanks to systematic training at schools, almost everyone has held a paddle in their hand at some point. We continue in this tradition and teach paddling in a variety of boats, but especially kayaking. We are focused on boating in calm water and running water of difficulty levels ZW C to WW I. The course takes place on the Vltava River near Smíchov and Podolí.
Category: Individual and Team Sports and Games / Games
Discgolf is a new type of sport with rules similar to those of golf. It requires energy and coordination. The technique is similar to throwing disciplines. The benefit of Discgolf is movement in the fresh air while doing an undemanding sport. It is suitable for people new to sport or as way to diversify other sporting activities. Discgolf also doesn’t require much equipment to play. We teach in Ladronka Park.
Fitness training / TRX
Category: Individual Sports / Fitness Sports
In recent years, fitness training has risen greatly in popularity. The result is an increase in physical fitness, development of agility, and reduction in the amount of body fat. We use own-weight exercises with balance aids, suspension systems (TRX), medicine balls, and expanders. Training is based on natural movements without the use of fitness machines. We learn exercises and techniques that allow you to do your own workout anytime, anywhere.
Category: Individual and Team Sports and Games / Games
Floorball is an indoor team sport, which gains fans through its simplicity, dynamism and entertainment. In Floorball two teams of five players and one goalkeeper play against each other. A special stick and a plastic ball are used. During training, students learn not only how to handle the equipment, but also how to deal with various game situations. Training is intended for students of all levels and takes place at the Charles University Sports Centre.
Category: Individual and Team Sports and Games / Games
(The indoor variant is known as Futsal): the most common sports game. It requires high levels of fitness and coordination, speed and endurance. An important component is speed and accuracy of decision-making in a range of conditions. The benefit is complex movement that is demanding on the cardiovascular apparatus and in particular the musculature of the lower limbs. We teach beginners to advanced players at SCUK Hostivař.
Category: Individual and Team Sports and Games / Games
This is a team sport, with two teams of seven players. It is played with a Frisbee on a football pitch. We will learn the basic techniques of throwing the Frisbee and tactics for moving around the pitch. Increase your physical condition during training aimed at accelerating your movement around the pitch. We play at SCUK Hostivař.

Category: Individual Sports / Games
Golf is an outdoor sport in which an individual player or a small group hit a small golf ball into a hole, using various golf clubs to do so. It is an Olympic Sport, included for the first time in the 1900 Summer Olympics in Paris, and again in the 1904 Summer Olympics St. Louis. It will be on the Olympic program again after 112 years at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.
Golf is one of the three most practiced sports in the world. It is played by more than 70 million people in more than 120 countries. Golf involves natural movement in a beautifully prepared natural environment and is the ideal choice for today's sedentary way of life. Golf is a non-contact sport, and thanks to its unique handicap system players can compete with other players at a wide range of skill levels or of different ages. In the Czech Republic there are over 56,000 registered golfers.
We have been teaching golf at the Hostivař and Lahovice Golf Club for about 10 years, and our goal is to take complete beginners through to obtaining their golf match certificate.
Category: Individual Sports / Fitness Sports
This is a sport that has lost none of its popularity – in fact, quite the contrary. During their running lessons students learn proper running technique and develop aerobic capacity. Running takes place in all weathers, during the day and at night, so in the winter months in particular a headlamp is advisable. Training takes place on the running trails in Divoká Šárka, Obora Hvězda or Ladronka.
Category: Individual Sports / Fitness Sports
A successfully growing combat sport making high demands on fitness, fast reaction times and whole body coordination. Stretching is very important (important when training kicks). One of the benefits of Kickboxing is using both the upper and lower parts of the body. We teach both beginners and advanced students. Classes take place at CKS Žižkov.
Category: Individual Sports / Fitness Sports
Medium and slow tempo strength, balance and stretching exercises, mainly focused on the core stabilization system – the centre of the body – but also on other areas and muscle groups. During our sessions we will familiarise ourselves with a comprehensive set of exercises.
Stretching: Trained mainly at a slow pace, ensuring the stretching of all shortened muscle groups and correction of muscle imbalance.
Zumba: Aerobic exercise, dance step variations.
Flexi-bar: Health strengthening exercise that uses Flexi-bars (flexible rods) to influence the core stabilization system.
Category: Individual and Team Sports and Games / Games
Squash is a game for two or four players, played with a small hollow rubber ball in a court enclosed by four walls. The aim of the game is to play the ball so that your opponent cannot return it. Like badminton and tennis, it is a racket sport with rapid changes of direction. The physical demands of the game vary during play. A squash ball can reach a maximum speed of up to 285 km/h. The Czech Squash Association (ČASQ) was founded in 1992 and now has a membership of more 50,000 recreational and professional players. The ČASQ brings together 45 officially registered clubs and 2,000 registered professional players. Squash has been taught at the ESQUO SQUASH CENTRE, Strahov, for more than 10 years.
Category: Individual Sports / Swimming sports
This is an activity in which people move through water using their own body movements.
Swimming lessons are divided into three categories:
1 / Swimming for weak or non-swimmers, where the goal is to improve basic swimming skills in at least two swimming styles.
2 / Swimming for advanced swimmers, where students continue to improve the swimming skills they have already acquired and add other elements such as turns, the diving start, diving, and helping a tired swimmer.
3 / Swimming training focuses primarily on students who have swum competitively in previous years and are interested in participating in races such as the University League ‘A’ and ‘B’ Groups, as well as in various competitions on Dean’s or Rector’s Day, or participation in the Czech Academic Games. Training is aimed at maintaining swimming condition.

Pilates is an exercise system that improves the function of muscle control, body flexibility, strength and breathing. Pilates exercises are aimed at strengthening muscles throughout the body, especially the deep abdominal and back muscles and pelvic floor muscles. As this method emphasises strengthening the deep abdominal muscles as support for the spine, the spine is under less strain. All movements go from a stable centre, the so-called Powerhouse (centre of strength), to all the peripheral parts of the body.
Pilates exercise methods are very versatile, suitable both for the wider public and for athletes and dancers. Exercises on the ground (on the mat), or mat work, are not dependent on age, fitness, space or equipment. Due to its varying degrees of intensity Pilates can be used both by beginners and by very fit individuals.
The course is taught several times a week in various locations – see schedule.
Power yoga
Category: Fitness Sports
The asanas (yoga positions) are a sequence of sun salutation exercises (Surya Namaskar) intended to stretch and strengthen the entire body, supply blood to body tissues and internal organs, and to reduce stress and tension.
Power yoga exercises muscles symmetrically throughout the body while you move through the various positions calmly and slowly. At the same time, we pay attention to breathing and to the proper implementation of the individual positions. Flexibility and strength are improved, natural joint mobility is preserved, scoliosis in the posture is evened out, and mobility and flexibility of the spine are improved. Among other positive effects are improved blood flow, peristalsis, digestion, and last but not least a positive effect on the internal environment of the body – the organs and processes within them.
Category: Individual sports
A system of defensive and offensive techniques that can be useful in unexpected situations (e.g. if attacked). Self-defence places increased demands on physical condition and on the dynamics and coordination of movement. Students gain technical skills, increased confidence and the ability, when necessary, to use effectively the techniques learned. We teach at SCUK Hostivař
Strength Training
Category: Individual Sports / Fitness Sports
In the gym we develop one of the basic motor skills: strength. We use diagnostic techniques to try and eliminate muscle imbalance and learn basic methods and procedures for strength training. The benefit of strength training is that with the correct quantity and selection of exercises we can focus on strengthening the targeted areas and on adapting your strength training to each type of sport. We teach at SCUK Hostivař.
Category: Individual and Team Sports and Games / Games
Among sports tennis is classified as a net game. It is an Olympic sport, and one suitable for all ages. The players are separated by a net and the object of the game is to get the ball over the net in such a way that the opponent cannot return it. It is played on a court that is marked out on all four sides, and continues until a set number of points are reached. Each game or set begins with a serve and the players take turns to serve.
During tennis training we try to explain to students the one-sided nature of the load on the dominant body position and how to compensate for this.
Tennis is taught in SCUK in Hostivař for both beginners and advanced players.
Category: Individual Sports
Yoga is a comprehensive system of physical, breathing, relaxation and meditation techniques. It also includes other special techniques, e.g. bandhas and mudras. Yoga in daily life is suitable for people of all ages and levels of physical ability. Based on the classic path of yoga, its aim is to help a person gain and improve physical, mental, social and spiritual health and to achieve harmony. Yoga is a science of body, mind, consciousness and soul.
The course is taught several times a week at various locations – see schedule.